So here it is, my debut on a blog site. Well not really a debut but I don't count thirteen yearold
attempts at being the greatest blogger in the world (at least I had ambition). So after a few glasses of nectar (J & B scotch) I'll just get on with it. This is good for me, cause I think what
I say is important, even if no one else seems to agree with me, so having somewhere to write my oh so important thoughts may be beneficial (to whom i'm not sure).
This blog (of josh cahan, who i happen to admire greatly) seems to be about music, and from what I'm told food as well, but I'm gonna take this opportunity to rant about music. There is something universal in all music the rythm the melody they all have it in some form or another. So here is my piece of advice... Trust no person that says they do not like a particular genre of music and here's why.
I'm gonna leave alone the fact that all music is related in an enormous music genre tree, and focus on the type of person that could claim they dont like rap or country or classical or electronica... I mean I've heard it all.
Here's the deal.
If you are thinking about music, you don't get it. Its not a thought process, its deeper than that
its subconscious, its instinctual. Why can I get down to some african drum beat from a culture
I don't know (or maybe don't care to)? Its because music is universal, it always has been,
it always will be. Give yourself up to it.
Maybe not thinking about it is too harsh, but all I find thinking does in most people is cause prejudice many would be unhappy to learn that Biggie has a lot to thank of Blondie, but thats just the way it is (as tupac would say)
Certainly the reason I can get down to country (it's fun, the stories are good and the chicks are
hot) is not the same reason I can get down to indie shit (it's got soul and personality and its
interesting) but it doesn't stop me from enjoying both. I mean lets be realistic, some music sucks but it doesnt suck because of its genre, it sucks cause it sucks its unoriginal or bland and uninspiring not because its a bad genre.
So stop saying you don't like pop you dont like bluegrass because to be honest... its just music
so shut up open your mind and enjoy.
Oh, and to cover the food part...
fat people love hot dogs
thanks for reading
oh and listen to this shit
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